Thursday, November 30, 2006

Good Tips We Can All Use

Document what's in your home       If your home was burglarized or destroyed by fire, would you remember everything that was stolen or lost? Take the time to compile an inventory of your valuables and it will save you precious time and frustration later. A thorough home inventory makes it easier to file a complete and prompt claim so it can be settled quickly. Here's some advice from leading insurance companies:

  • Photograph or videotape items, room by room - if only one room is damaged, you can quickly determine what needs to be replaced
  • Share your inventory with your insurance company to ensure that you have the coverage you need
  • Update your inventory annually or whenever you make major purchases
  • Keep invoices and warranties with your inventory in a safety deposit box or with a trusted family member

Most insurance companies offer tools to help you complete your inventory such as home inventory checklists or even free software allowing you to catalog your possessions online. Contact your insurance company today or check out the Insurance Information Institute for more information