Make a Stop-Motion Movie, Part 2
Make a Stop-Motion Movie, Part 2
Peter Jackson's epic remake of "King Kong" was pretty good, as far as that sort of thing goes. The movie includes every conceivable special effect; it represents a sincere homage to the original source material; and it features surprisingly good acting from over-the-top Tenacious D rocker Jack Black. I render all these opinions with the caveat that I am just a tech journalist, and not an official movie reviewer, so my opinions should not be used to make actual film rental decisions.
So the new "King Kong" has it all, right? Not quite. It lacks the charm that only a movie made with stop-motion animation can claim. I love the jerky, other-worldly quality of movies made by shooting a frame at a time.
Last week we started working on our own stop-motion movie--a quick and dirty film that takes 30 minutes to make, start to finish. This week, let's pick up where we left off. ...
Read the complete column online:
Make a Stop-Motion Movie, Part 2
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