Internet Marketing | Facts and Fiction
Current Trend in Internet Marketing, SEO, and Google Adsense and Adwords. A few fun things thrown in for diversity.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Self Employed Trader
OUTSIDE THE BOX: Understanding Pension Plans for the Self-Employed Trader |
By Jeff Neal, 11/15/2006 12:00:00 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Quad Core from Intel will get AMD moving!!!
Chip makers four-core processor means faster commercial and gaming computers.
Intel said Tuesday that systems containing the worlds fastest processors yet are finally out, promising speeds that will boost both graphics performance and data-crunching abilities in workplace and home environments. The Quad Core Intel Xeon processor builds on the advances made by Intels dual-core Core Duo chip earlier this year, offering 50 percent more performance over the Core Duo and four times more performance over single-core chips. Intels news was anticipated slightly by Dell, which announced last week that its using the chip in certain servers and workstations. Kirk Skaugen, vice president and general manager of Intels server products group, said he expects his companys quad-core technology will soon infiltrate all areas of computing.
Zune Player Enters iPod Market
Microsoft begins sales of Zune media player on Apples turf.
Microsoft began selling its Zune digital media player on Tuesday, marking its foray into the market dominated by Apple Computers iPod. While the software giant is a latecomer to the digital music scene, industry analysts will be watching closely. Thats because Apple has enjoyed a runaway success, garnering over 70 percent of the portable music player market with no serious threats to its dominance so far. Further, the iPod has fueled a turnaround for the Mac maker. Revenue from iPods accounts for 40 percent of all of Apples sales. Apple is certainly aware of Zune, Directions on Microsoft analyst Matt Rosoff said. Steve Jobs knew it was coming. Make no mistake. When Microsoft enters a market, the game is forever changed.
The Care and Feeding of Your Lens

Dave Johnson
November 14th, 2006
How do you take care of your digital camera? If you answered, "Well, I try to keep from dropping it into the mud too often," then perhaps you should pay a bit more attention to your photographic tool.
Thankfully, most digital cameras are fairly rugged and handle routine abuse in good cheer. But if you want your camera to live a long and happy life, giving you the best possible photos along the way, then this week's newsletter is for you. Let's see how you should take care of your camera's most important asset: the lens. ...
Read the complete column online:
The Care and Feeding of Your Lens
Visual Evidence of the Power of Prayer, Gratitude and Appreciation
Visual Evidence of the Power of Prayer, Gratitude and Appreciation
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a visionary researcher from Japan received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.
Continuing in this stream of awareness, Dr Emoto began to study the impact of altering water by various factors of vibration and consciousness. He studied water that had been altered by music - healing music, classical music, heavy metal music - and so forth.
And the crystalline pictures reveal how water responds to these influences ... into complex arrangements of crystalline beauty. This begins to reveal that water is alive - it is conscious and responds to applied force by a rearrangement of its inner crystalline properties.
Inspired by these revelations, he decided to study the impact of human consciousness on water and its crystalline order.
Through repeatable experiments Dr. Emoto demonstrated that human thoughts and emotions can alter the molecular structure of water. Now, for the first time, there is physical evidence that the power of our thoughts can change the world within and around us.
He found that water that had been consciously altered by the simple imprinting of a word of intent upon the water would change. Water that was imprinted by love, gratitude, and appreciation, responded by the development of complex beauty, and water that was mistreated by negative intentions became disordered and lost its magnificent patterning. In fact, it often took on grotesque forms of resonance.
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Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 |
He experimented first with water from a pure source in Japan. The picture revealed a beautiful crystalline form. (Photo 1) He then did the same thing with water from a nearby polluted river. The result was a muddy, smeared pattern with very little structure. (Photo 2) He then asked a priest from a temple to offer a prayer to the polluted water sample and repeated the experiment out of curiosity. To his surprise, another beautiful crystalline structure appeared. (Photo 3)
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Photo 4 | Photo 5 | Photo 6 |
This experiment was repeated many times over with the same result. The researcher then exposed water samples to different types of music. Classical music always reflected beautiful patterns, (photo 4) whereas heavy metal or rock and roll created distorted, formless, smudged images, (photo 5) as if these types of music had destroyed the delicate equilibrium of the molecules.
He continued experimenting, this time by writing words on pieces of paper and taping them to a clear glass container to see if anything happened.
He tried using positive words like "Love" and "Thank you" (photo 6) and every time noticed a beautiful and delicate crystalline pattern. He tried "You Make Me Sick. I Will Kill You" (photo 7) and each time observed distorted, frightening, muddied patterns. He even experimented with names like "Gandhi" "Mother Teresa" (photo 8) and "Hitler" (photo 9) and the same kind of results occurred.
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Photo 7 | Photo 8 | Photo 9 |
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Photo 10 |
After much experimentation, Dr. Emoto discovered that the most powerful combination of thoughts in terms of capacity to transform was that of "Love and Gratitude." (Photo 10)
What makes this discovery so amazing is that we live on a planet covered by more water than landmass, and that the human body is largely composed of water. So if we have the power to change the structure of the medium we are made of by simply producing positive though patterns, we can restore not only our own health but that of everyone around us, and even the planet itself, with our every thought.
Think about what giving thanks and praying before a meal can do to your health. I used to believe that it was a good way to stop the mental business of the day and put myself into a more receptive space. Now I know that even the food I am about to eat will also be transformed.
Article compiled from 3 Web sites:
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
Unfortunately we don't really have any great tools to measure it. Prior to this the only physical evidence of this type of energy was Kirlian photography.
Dr. Emoto's work provides quite a powerful testimony to the real influence our consciousness can have on the physical universe.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Best Buys US .com-Free Items
Best Buys US .com-Free Items: "Best Buys Home > Free Items
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Best Buys US .com: "Consumer Fraud with Credit Cards
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New options help prevent miscreants from racking up charges on your card.
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More HDTV - Less Green
* More HDTV for Your Money
LCD, DLP, or plasma? Big, bigger, or biggest?
We lab-tested 15 screens to find the best values in next-generation TV.
Read the story
Windows Vista - It's Done For Now!
* Windows Vista: It's Done--For Now
The long march from Longhorn is ending.
Read the story